![]() From Politics to Reconciliation: Katallagete, Biblicism, and Southern Liberalism STEVEN P. MILLER "On the Same Basis as the Men": The Campaign to Reinstate Women as Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention,1885-1918 J. MICHAEL RALEY
Fredrik Sunnemark, Ring Out Freedom!: The Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement. JAMES H. CONE David Filingim, Redneck Liberation: Country Music as Theology. STEVEN P. MILLER Rufus Spain, At Ease in Zion: A Social History of Southern Baptists, 1865-1900. BARRY HANKINS Mary Stanton, Freedom Walk: Mississippi or Bust. LYNN S. NEAL David Goldfield, Southern Histories: Public, Personal, and Sacred. ELNA C. GREEN Mark Newman, Divine Agitators: The Delta Ministry and Civil Rights in Mississippi. SAID SEWELL Dena J. Epstein, Sinful Tunes and Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the Civil War. WILLIAM E. MONTGOMERY Raymond R. Sommerville, An Ex-Colored Church: Social Activism in the CME Church, 1870-1970. LEWIS V. BALDWIN Celeste Ray and Luke Eric Lassiter, editors, Signifying Serpents and Mardi Gras Runners: Representing Identity in Selected Souths. ALBERTO LOPEZ PULIDO Children of the Heav'nly King: Religious Expression in the Central Blue Ridge, The Library of Congress Archive of Folk Culture. WILLIAM D. ISAACS III John Patrick Daly, When Slavery Was Called Freedom: Evangelicalism, Proslavery, and the Causes of the Civil War. CHARLES F. IRONS John B. Boles, editor, Autobiographical Reflections on Southern Religious History. FRED HOBSON Holly Everett, Roadside Crosses in Contemporary Memorial Culture. CLAYTON L. MCNEARNEY Phil Zuckerman, editor, Du Bois on Religion. MARK NEWMAN Peter J. Ling, Martin Luther King, Jr. STEPHEN ANGELL James R. Goff, Jr., Close Harmony: A History of Southern Gospel. STEPHEN A. MARINI W. Scott Poole. Never Surrender: Confederate Memory and Conservativism in the South Carolina Upcountry. MICHAEL PASQUIER MCharles Burnett, Frank Christopher, and Kenneth S. Smith. Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property. MAXINE D. JONES