Featured Roundtable

How might the study of religion in the early twentieth-century South appear differently if scholars emphasized class as a category of analysis?

Embedding Class among the Troops Who Study Southern Religion
Ken Fones-Wolf
The Work of Class in Southern Religion
Richard J. Callahan, Jr.
Reading Religious Belief as Working-Class Intellectual History
Jarod Roll
The Faith of the “flotsam and jetsam”
Alison Collis Greene
Recovering the Class-Conscious New South
John Hayes
Ken Fones-Wolf
Richard J. Callahan, Jr.
Jarod Roll
Alison Collis Greene
John Hayes

Panel Review

Cover of God's Own Party

Daniel K. Williams. God's Own Party: The Making of the Christian Right

Author's Response


Jarod Roll. Spirit of Rebellion: Labor and Religion in the New Cotton South
Reviewed by Lauren Beaupre
Lamar L. Nisly. Wingless Chickens, Bayou Catholics, and Pilgrim Wayfarers: Constructions of Audience and Tone in O’Connor, Gautreaux, and Percy
Reviewed by Stephanie Bilinsky
Richard J. Callahan, Jr. Work and Faith in the Kentucky Coal Fields: Subject to Dust
Reviewed by Heath Carter
Randall Balmer. The Making of Evangelicalism: From Revivalism to Politics and Beyond
Reviewed by Darren Dochuk
George C. Rable. God’s Almost Chosen Peoples: A Religious History of the American Civil War
Reviewed by Jonathan H. Ebel
Elna C. Green, ed. In Black and White: An Interpretation of the South
Reviewed by Michele Gillespie
P. H. Carder. George F. Root: Civil War Songwriter
Reviewed by Ralph Hartsock
Steven P. Miller. Billy Graham and the Rise of the Republican South
Reviewed by Merrill Hawkins, Jr.
Tomeiko Ashford Carter, ed. Virginia Broughton: The Life and Writings of a National Baptist Missionary
Reviewed by Kimberly D. Hill
Craig Thompson Friend and Anya Jabour, eds. Family Values in the Old South
Reviewed by Natalie Inman
Patrick Q. Mason. The Mormon Menace: Violence and Anti-Mormonism in the Postbellum South
Reviewed by Jennifer Lindell
Susan M. Shaw. God Speaks to Us, Too: Southern Baptist Women on Church, Home, and Society
Reviewed by Melody Maxwell
J. Brooks Flippen. Jimmy Carter, The Politics of Family, and the Rise of the Religious Right
Reviewed by Steven P. Miller
Jonathan D. Sarna and Adam Mendelsohn, eds. Jews and the Civil War: A Reader
Reviewed by Benjamin L. Miller
Daniel L. Fountain. Slavery, Civil War, and Salvation: African American Slaves and Christianity, 1830-1870
Reviewed by Joseph S. Moore
Cedric May. Evangelism and Resistance in the Black Atlantic, 1760–1835
Reviewed by Lincoln Mullen
Amy Louise Wood. Lynching and Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence in America, 1890-1940
Reviewed by Lynn S. Neal
Nicholas M. Beasley. Christian Ritual and the Creation of British Slave Societies: 1650-1780
Reviewed by Joshua Owens
Pippa Holloway, ed. Other Souths: Diversity and Difference in the U.S. South, Reconstruction to Present
Reviewed by Wesley G. Phelps
Harvard Sitkoff. Toward Freedom Land: The Long Struggle for Racial Equality in America
Reviewed by Justin Poché
Charles Reagan Wilson. Flashes of a Southern Spirit: Meanings of the Spirit in the U.S. South
Reviewed by Amanda Porterfield
Edward E. Baptist and Stephanie M. H. Camp, eds.New Studies in the History of American Slavery
Reviewed by Monica C. Reed
Larry Eugene Rivers and Canter Brown Jr., eds. The Varieties of Women's Experiences: Portraits of Southern Women in the Post-Civil War Century
Reviewed by Rebecca Sharpless
Scott Stephan. Redeeming the Southern Family: Evangelical Women and Domestic Devotion in the Antebellum South
Reviewed by Kristy L. Slominski
Angela Hornsby-Gutting. Black Manhood and Community Building in North Carolina, 1900-1930
Reviewed by James Hill Welborn III
Alvin O. Turner. L. W. Marks: A Baptist Progressive in Missouri and Oklahoma, 1862-1943
Reviewed by Mark Wilson